Keep Your Copper Sink Clean for Long-Lasting Beauty
Keep Your Copper Sink Clean for Long-Lasting Beauty
The active, living finish of copper changes over time, which adds to its charm and beauty. Copper's patina builds over time, naturally protecting the finish from corrosion. Think of your copper sink like a penny: at first it's bright and shiny, but as it becomes used, it begins to darken in places. You'll find that your copper sink develops a blend of rich, coppery tones. This is completely normal. To prevent ugly stains and scratches, please keep in mind these helpful care and maintenance tips.
- Rinse out your sink frequently, preferably after each use. This helps rinse out the chlorides from soaps and detergents, which will negatively affect your sink's luster.
- Dry your sink thoroughly after a rinse to prevent water spots.
- Use a copper wax surface protectant (such as carnauba wax) once a month to help protect your sink's beautiful finish.
- Never let chlorine bleach or drain cleaners touch the surface of your copper sink. They remove the natural patina, which changes the finish of your sink drastically.
- Certain things will harm your sink if left in it for a lengthy period of time. Don't let food or toothpaste sit in the sink too long. Also, avoid leaving steel pots and cast iron cookware in your copper sink. The combination of iron and moisture may create rust and stains on the surface of the copper sink.
- Try not to trap water inside your sink for an extended period of time. This means you should avoid leaving rubber dish mats in your sink. Also remove wet sponges and washcloths. Trapped moisture may discolor or stain your sink.
- Your copper sink is not scratch-proof, so remember not to use it as a cutting board. Knives will leave permanent scratches.
- When scrubbing your copper sink, avoid using abrasive items. Steel wool and abrasive cleaners will leave scratches.
Treating your copper sink with respect and common sense goes a long way to enjoying its natural shine and luster for years to come. To learn more about the luxury sinks from Fossil Blu, please contact us.
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